Fill er up.


When I was growing up I worked in gas stations where an attendant would actually come to your car while you sat behind the wheel and he’d offer to help you with your needs. (Out of our mouths came the same question over and over again: “Fill ‘er up”?) Eventually the Full Service filling station died out and just as history took it’s course, it’s time you homeowners quit asking “fill ‘er up”? with your pools to the top of your tile. Why You Ask? Most pools are built today with a water stop strip that you can see on top of the tiles below the cantilever edge. And get this: They ain’t waterproof! You can stick your fingernails up under that strip to prove it to yourself. Maybe I shouldn’t tell you this because this is where the majority of our business comes from. When there’s too much water in your pool the water seeps out past that strip under your concrete which is what your deck is adhered to and it hydrates (travels) like water through a paper towel. Next, the water is heated by the Tucson sun, it rises, expands and the concrete starts getting weak, then cracks show up and soon your beautiful decking starts to chip away or even the cantilever edge of your pool gets cracks and eventually breaks off and falls right into your pool! Of course this takes a little time but we see these signs of neglect quite often but the cause is never fully realized until I show up and you write me a check to fix it.  Remember this: Keep your water level halfway between the top and the bottom of the tile and you and your pool will spend many happy years together.