Don’t be a Drip!


Do you like the rain? It seems that the majority of Tucson’s residents really like the rain. My mom called the rain, liquid sunshine. She was kind of an optimist though I never thought of her in that capacity until after she’s been gone for 13 years, Of course! When the rain is lacking we

Is The Deck Around Your Pool Really “Kool”?


People often call us (520-909-4546) at our office here in Kleindale Business Park and want us to replace their cool deck. What then is cool deck? Well, as a child of the 60’s I do hope your deck is cool enough to blow the minds of the cats around you. Dig?. But really, most just want to save

Fill er up.


When I was growing up I worked in gas stations where an attendant would actually come to your car while you sat behind the wheel and he’d offer to help you with your needs. (Out of our mouths came the same question over and over again: “Fill ‘er up”?) Eventually the Full Service filling station

When Should I Hire a Pro and When Should I Do It Myself?

Pool Tile Cleaning

Don’t forget to take a look at our “Before & After” tile cleaning examples before you leave the website. I have seen tile cleaning methods from the questionable to the ridiculous, most of which claim to be easy or cheap.  Have you had similar experiences in your field of expertise? Perhaps you have heard, “cheap things are never good